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Thai Stamp Shop - Beautiful Thailand Stamp for Sale. Siam Stamp Exchange Country - L LITHUANIA Bronius Urbanavicius

Collector Profile of Bronius Urbanavicius

 Member no. 05420     Registered Date : 2019-04-29    Actived Date : 2019-04-29 02:44:11  
Name : Bronius Urbanavicius
Address : Iki pareikalavimo
LT-01001 Vilnius VCP
Country : LITHUANIA Bronius Urbanavicius is a collector from LITHUANIA
Want : Mint stamps(MNH) birds, animals, ships, cars, etc.
Offer : Mint stamps Europa-CEPT (1960-1990), WWF, Africa countries issues
Remarks : Catalogs Michel
SC 01564 
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Message.1 : Stil interested? Hi Bronius i collect only music stamps and need some Latvian items, can be cancelled. in exchange 1x1 basis i can offer birds. if interested i"ll send scans greetings heinz drexler m.d. By : Heinz Drexler
By : Heinz Drexler   Date : 2024-04-21 15:28:11

Message.2 : Hi Bronius i collect only music stamps and need some Latvian items, can be cancelled. in exchange 1x1 basis i can offer birds. if interested i"ll send scans greetings heinz drexler m.d. By : Heinz Drexler
By : Heinz Drexler   Date : 2021-12-20 13:54:30

Message.3 : Allo Bronius,det var länge sen.Du samlar basket.har erbjudande Block Jugoslavija MNH, 2002 FOR CHANGE LIETUVA EUROPA CEPT USED.REGADS ALEX
By : Alexander Supanek   Date : 2021-07-17 04:52:01

Message.4 : Dear Bronius, I´am a collector from Austria and search exchange partner worlwide for exchange covers and stamps. This year especially I collect the EUROPA „National Birds“ Issue. So I will ask, if it´s possible and you are interested in exchange with me. I can offer mint and used stamps from Austria. I´am interested in a nice cover with the EUROPA Issue as postage on the cover and nice cancelling and one mint issue enclosed the cover. If you are interested, so write me! Thank you very much and best regards! Christian Salzer
By : Christian S.   Date : 2019-05-17 17:55:52

Message.5 : Hi Bronius, hellow i am Raju pun from Nepal Interested in swap mint stamps(birds and animal) and odd shape stamps to you ,also coins of your countries, hope to hear soon bye
By : Raju Pun   Date : 2019-05-07 15:10:56

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