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Thai Stamp Shop - Beautiful Thailand Stamp for Sale. Siam Stamp Exchange Country - N NETHERLANDS willem. lussing

Collector Profile of willem. lussing

 Member no. 02238     Registered Date : 2010-03-15    Actived Date : 2024-07-23 21:50:02  
Name : willem. lussing
Address : tell you later
Country : NETHERLANDS Willem. Lussing is a collector from NETHERLANDS
Want : Used stamps w/w in good condition in parts from 100-200
Offer : Used stamps w/w in good condition in parts from 100-200
Remarks : No scan - no catalogue
SC 04380 
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Click here to see the email of willem. lussing

   Share your experience trading with willem. lussing (Only members can post the experience)

Message.1 : Am Mohan from India and I have over 5000 stamps spread over 50 countries to exchange with
By : Mohan Venkatraman   Date : 2023-04-21 11:23:05

Message.2 : Hello Do you want used stamp of iran? U can send you 200 or 300 used stamp of iran Let me know your opinion Thanks
By : bahman   Date : 2022-04-12 14:54:19

Message.3 : Hello Willem I sent you an email regarding a stamp exchange. Please let me know if you are interested. Thanks. Regards, Charlie
By : Charlie Gridley   Date : 2021-05-31 12:15:20

Message.4 :
By : willem. lussing   Date : 2021-05-17 21:23:46

Message.5 : Interested trading stamps any amount,
By : Al Chafetz.   Date : 2020-08-20 06:57:39

Message.6 : Hello. I'm interested in exchange of 100 used ww stamps with you. Best regards.
By : Jadranko Bučar   Date : 2020-07-18 02:36:17

Message.7 : hola willem estoy interesado en los intercambios por cantidades le dejo mi correo por si a usted le
By : juan manuel macias   Date : 2020-07-17 06:01:58

Message.8 : If you are interested just let me know we can do 100 : 100 used ww I also do not mind doing 50 :50 definitives
By : Nick Mangioros   Date : 2020-07-17 00:43:57

Message.9 : Hi, I am an amateur stamp collector. I would like to swap stamps. Could we exchange 100 stamps if you would like to ? Best, Sam
By : Sam Wong   Date : 2019-08-02 16:30:58

Message.10 : 100 X 100, 200 X 200, 500 X 500. Send me your repeats & I return the equal from ESPAÑA. JUAN ANTONIO MERINO MUSICO ESPI 3 - 7 46019 VALENCIA ESPAÑA
By : JUAN ANTONIO MERINO   Date : 2015-01-22 21:52:45

Message.11 : Hi Willem, I am interested in swopping you used worldwide 100/100. Please conatct me if you are interested. Regards, Rocco
By : Rocco de Villiers   Date : 2014-10-04 18:55:37

Message.12 : Dear friend! I agree to be exchanged with you by the used stamps of the whole world 100:100, 200:200,300:300 and anymore. Send for the beginning of 200 things of your used stamps WW in an exchange on 200 things of my used stamps WW on my postal address. Guarantee an answer. Sincerely. Your MILIVOJ
By : Milivoj Kajkut   Date : 2013-10-21 06:40:02

Message.13 : Intercambio muy bueno.Coleccionista serio y rápido en el envío
By : Herman Alvarez   Date : 2013-03-19 01:29:44

Message.14 : Hello Lussing, Thank you for your mail. We prefer start with 50 used stamps. We will send you 50 italian used stamps after your shipment (Netherland used stamps?). Agree? Our address is: D’ANDREA DANIELA VIA UGO FOSCOLO, 19/A 33097 SPILIMBERGO (PN) Best Wishes. Gianni e Daniela
By : Gianni e Daniela   Date : 2011-02-11 00:00:00

Message.15 : dear Friend, i may offer you used Indian and Pakistani stamps to exchange if you prefer regards
By : akhil   Date : 2011-01-13 00:00:00

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