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Stamp Exchange
Collector Profile of
Registered Date : 2008-11-19 Actived
Date : 2025-03-28 18:48:10 |
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MNH recent complete issues from worldwide
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MNH Ukraine, Moldova, Poland; FDC, maxicards, CTO of Ukraine; MNH w/w 50th Ann. of Europa CEPT; China 2015/16/17/18, some 2021/2022 MNH, some other years; Guinea, S. Tome é Principe, G. Bissau, Mozambique MNH from 2000s; MNH Gibraltar 2011/14. Real UA FDC
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Prefer registered mail.
I can send real FDCs to your address from Ukraine, by your choice or chronologically.
your experience trading with
(Only members can post the experience)
Message.1 : Hello, would you like to exchange MNH stamps with Pakistan ones. I can send you Pakistan recent MNH stamps. I need MNH stamps on UPU 2024, 75 years of UN 2020, Dialog among civilization 2001. Hope to have positive response. |
By : Wajid Ali Date
: 2025-01-28 15:38:41 |
Message.2 : I have exchanged stamps with Dmytro, and he is a highly recommended collector. |
By : Juan Pablo Date
: 2023-10-21 01:28:40 |
Message.3 : Hi Dmytro, I can send you mint stamps. I need Ukraine recent stamps, is it possible yet? Maybe, are you living near the border of Moldavia? Because I think it could be critical living in the Donbass or near Crimea. Let me know if you are interested to have some shipments. Regards, Enzo |
: 2023-07-31 22:32:23 |
Message.4 : Hello, Dmytro.
I´m Juan Pablo, from Spain. I can get you almost all MNH 2023 stamps, and some issued in 2022 and before (if you are interested, please, tell me which years). Do you have a wantlist, or are you interested in all what I can obtain for you?
I am interested in many Ukrainian stamps, and recent Polish and Moldovan Europa stamps and others (also if you have recent Europa stamps from other countries). I can send you a wantlist.
I suggest to exchange by catalogue value. Maybe by Stampworld online catalogue? If you have another preference, just say. I also prefer registered letters.
If you are interested, please tell me, and I hope we can give a good arrange.
Best regards from Spain. |
By : Juan Pablo Date
: 2023-07-31 20:09:07 |
Message.5 : Hi,
thanks for your reply,
I need 2022 UKRAINE .
Base exchange : same face value , you send first.
Exchange by registered cover .
If ok , send me your reply to : phila84@wanadoo.fr
Best regards,
Maryse . |
By : PARDANAUD Maryse Date
: 2022-12-20 02:27:41 |
Message.6 : Hi, tell me if you need french stamps ,
best regards,
Maryse. |
By : PARDANAUD Maryse Date
: 2022-12-17 23:24:37 |
Message.7 : Hello. Me too interested. Pls write to my email. |
By : Sergey Date
: 2021-10-16 01:24:41 |
Message.8 : I send you an email like you asked me to if I was interested in a possible exchange. |
By : Robert de Vries Date
: 2021-06-21 03:56:57 |
Message.9 : Hello dmytro
I am from Algeria I am looking for stamps around the world we can exchange if you want |
By : Hamidouche daoudi Date
: 2021-01-14 09:18:34 |
Message.10 : Most stamps are used |
By : Al Chafetz. Date
: 2020-12-25 12:17:14 |
Message.11 : Dear fellow stamp collector,
Did you agree to Exchange Mint stamp in full sets,fdc’s,Miniature Sheets,Sheetlets,Booklets MC’s ,Covers with special post marks with me ?
My main interests are themes about Wildelife, fauna, WWF, birds; butterflies, flora Trains, ships, art, lighthouses, costumes, painting, sport (Olympic Games, football…), space & cosmos in complete sets of mint condition, miniature sheets & covers with special postmarks from your country.
I can exchange for stamps from Algeria in mint condition at face value for the new edition (2015 to date) and using the catalogue Yvert & Tellier as basis for the olds.
I can exchange mint stamps by Registered Air Mail for safety & security.
Philatelic greetings
B.P 45 Askri Ahcéne
Oued Koriche Alger
Dz – 16068 ALGERIE
By : OUANDJLI Hocine Date
: 2020-12-15 20:32:30 |
Message.12 : Базу предлагаю по каталогу Михеля. Могу предложить только Беларусь. |
By : Serge Date
: 2020-12-12 05:07:27 |
Message.13 : Дмитрий, чистые выпуски Украины. |
By : Serge Date
: 2020-12-11 16:59:41 |
Message.14 : Do you like to swap srilankan stamps? |
By : Chenif Date
: 2020-12-11 03:11:18 |
Message.15 : Hello.Plz give me msg by whats app.
+98 09214692171
Thanks. |
By : Esmaeil Nouri Date
: 2019-11-15 01:08:34 |
Message.16 : Hello
Are you interested in exchange stamps? |
By : Amin Date
: 2019-09-18 06:11:57 |
Message.17 : Hi. I looking for some stamp sheets for swap if interesting for you and more details plz let me know by whatsapp. +98 09104517645 Amir gharebaghi Thanks. Instagram:postcard_iran
By : Amir gharebaghi Date
: 2019-07-15 13:42:23 |
Message.18 : Hi...
Plz give me msg by whatsapp
+98 09214692171
Esmaeil Nouri
Thankd |
By : Esmaeil Nouri Date
: 2019-06-28 17:30:46 |