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Thai Stamp Shop - Beautiful Thailand Stamp for Sale. Siam Stamp Exchange Country - S SINGAPORE Francis Kohl

Collector Profile of Francis Kohl

 Member no. 00149     Registered Date : 2006-05-20    Actived Date : 2015-03-20 21:34:52  
Name : Francis Kohl
Address : Blk 173 Yishun Ave 7
Singapore 760173
Country : SINGAPORE Francis Kohl is a collector from SINGAPORE
Want : Thailand stamps, British Colonies stamps KGV, VII QE
Offer : Vietnam, Japan, Europe used stamps
Remarks : I offer many more stamps for British Colonies stamps KGV, VII QE
SC 02350 
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Message.1 : hi there! i would like to trade with you. i can give you postcards in exchange can you give me stamps from your place especially 2008 olympic stamps. here's my add
By : dave luy   Date : 2008-10-25 00:00:00

Message.2 : Hallo! My name is Zbyszek, I live in Poland. My hobby: collect banknotes and coins from all over the world. Maybe you send me a few banknotes from your country to my collection. I’m interesting growing of exotic plants. In my country growing of exotic plants is possible in home-way because of the climate. Now is the summer and will come the winter the temperature falls down beneath O C. Sometimes winters is strong and cold about – 20 C. Because of my interested I’ve got great request if you can send me seeds, grains, seeds or quicksets of different plants in your country. Even ordinary plants (trees, shrubs, flowers, weeds, fruit-trees) wick grow in the forest, park maybe beautiful decoration for my home and school. I hope this does not inconvenience you in any way. If it does, I hope you will say so. If You want, I send You banknotes, coins, postcards, stamps, envelopes FDC, phone cards etc from Poland and Europe. Write me, what do you want to get in Poland. I readily a tisfy your request. Write me, if this exchange correspondence suit you. If You are not interested in correspondence with me then give my address to newspapers, in Your country. It's important for me because it is not easy to get into touch with peoples in Your country – collectors exotic plants. I hope that You'll help me in it. Sincerely maybe your new friend from Poland. My e-mail:
By : zbyszek   Date : 2006-09-19 00:00:00

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