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Thai Stamp Shop - Beautiful Thailand Stamp for Sale. Siam Stamp Exchange Country - C CZECH REPUBLIC Vaclav Trpalek

Collector Profile of Vaclav Trpalek

 Member no. 00140     Registered Date : 2006-05-02    Actived Date : 2025-03-26 15:20:31  
Name : Vaclav Trpalek
Address : 251 01 Ricany,Pacov 93
Praha vychod
Country : CZECH REPUBLIC Vaclav Trpalek is a collector from CZECH REPUBLIC
Want : used worldvide stamps
Offer : used, mint worldvide stamps
Remarks : swap:1:1
SC 03947 
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   Share your experience trading with Vaclav Trpalek (Only members can post the experience)

Message.1 : Hello, I would like to swap MNH stamps from ALGERIA against MNH stamps from Czech Republic mainly in themes of Fauna, Flora and Sports. I could be interested in other items. Regards. Mahfoud.
By : AZOUG MAHFOUD   Date : 2025-03-21 15:17:02

Message.2 : Hello, would you like to exchange MNH stamps with Pakistan ones. I can send you Pakistan recent MNH stamps. I need MNH stamps on UPU 2024, 75 years of UN 2020, Dialog among civilization 2001. Hope to have positive response.
By : Wajid Ali   Date : 2025-01-24 16:48:11

Message.3 : Hello, I would be very happy to swap mint Algeria stamps against mint yours from Ceska Republic. Let me know if you are interested. Best regards. Mahfoud.
By : AZOUG MAHFOUD   Date : 2024-05-21 17:26:37

Message.4 : Hi Vaclav. I have lots of used stamps from Canada to exchange for your used stamps from the Czech Republic. Let me know if you are interested in trading.
By : Manfred Appel   Date : 2023-05-26 20:48:13

Message.5 : I am interested from Bangladesh,,,
By : S M Elias   Date : 2022-10-15 22:17:11

Message.6 : Dear Vaclav: I woullike to exchanfe stamps with you. I cand exhande 100 or 15o, usesd, no duplicTES OF sOUTH aMERICA IN ECH. FOR CZEKC USED. lET ME KNO IF YOU ACCEPTED. i WILL SENT FIRT. mY bEST rEGARDS: eFRE
By : Efren E Varona   Date : 2021-11-05 10:31:53

Message.7 : Ok Vaclav I can Offer stamps & coins From My country but 1st we want to see both of our stamps & coins
By : K Januran   Date : 2021-11-01 20:02:59

Message.8 : Ok Vaclav what do you want for your stamps and coins???? Please mention it in your next message
By : K Januran   Date : 2021-10-31 09:08:32

Message.9 : Ok can we conduct throug mail or phone for discuss more if is it OK send me a mail
By : K Januran   Date : 2021-10-30 22:29:48

Message.10 : Ok Vaclav which country stamps & coins you have and what you want instead of them please reply me
By : K Januran   Date : 2021-10-29 21:54:54

Message.11 : Ok send me some sample of stamps you have to my mail
By : K Januran   Date : 2021-10-28 17:46:14

Message.12 : 18th & 19th century & sports,space stamps
By : K Januran   Date : 2021-10-27 13:42:05

Message.13 : Hi Vaclav: I want old stamps if you have reply me
By : K Januran   Date : 2021-10-24 21:09:27

Message.14 : Hello,I can to send you 100 or 200 used commemorative and thematics stamps of periode 1995-2019 year from Japan(the more are complete sets) against 100 or 200 used commemorative and thematics stamps of periode 1995-2019 year from Czech Republic, Slovakia,Slovenia and Croatia. Are you interested? Best regards: Grigor (from Bulgaria)
By : Grigor Kutev   Date : 2021-06-15 14:36:25

Message.15 : Friend, I am a collector of stamps , banknotes and coins from india and am searching for a good friend from your country to exchange philatelic and numismatic materials regularly.Interested please get in touch with me.Good luck and best wishes.
By : Balasubramanian   Date : 2020-04-14 20:19:10

Message.16 : HI; I am French.I search Used stamps of your country.I have many USED stamps of the world.Are you interested ?If yes you can answer to Regards Pierre
By : PIERRE LOIRE   Date : 2020-04-02 17:37:01

Message.17 : Hi collector, i am from Argentina and i looking for stamp from Ceska Republic and Slovaquia, if you are interesting we can start exchenging . i have argentinien and other south american countries stamps for xchange. i wait for you replay. regards daniel
By : daniel orsi   Date : 2013-03-19 20:15:58

Message.18 : hi Vaclav I would be very happy to swap new zealand stamps for some stamps from europe particulary eastern europe i have you adresss i will send you the stamps
By :   Date : 2008-02-22 00:00:00

Message.19 : Hi Vaclav: I have used stamps of Australia to exchange for for stamps of Czech Republic. 100 for 100.
By :   Date : 2006-08-02 00:00:00

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