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Thai Stamp Shop - Beautiful Thailand Stamp for Sale. Siam Stamp Exchange Country - B Bosnia & Herzegovina

All the stamp collectors from Bosnia & Herzegovina.

Member No.01316 01316 : Drazen Kladar   Drazen Kladar is a stamp collector from BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA UPDATE: 2025-03-30 20:01:39
Want!  Mint Europe cept, Mint India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Thailand, Estonia, Latvia, Canada , Tunisia etc VIEW FULL ADS
Offer  Mint German occupation Serbia WW II, used Bosnia and Herzegovina 1876-1918, mint Bosnia and Herzegovina, mint Kigdom of Yugoslavia 1932-1941, WW mint thematic See an Email

Member No.03578 03578 : Zoran Cubela   Zoran Cubela is a stamp collector from BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA UPDATE: 2024-10-08 21:56:35
Want!  Exchange of postage stamps HP Mostar exclusively for stamps of the following countries: Andorra (Sp & Fr), Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Monaco, Malta, San Marino, Vatican, Iceland, Faroe Islands, as well as MINT WWF, minerals as motif VIEW FULL ADS
Offer See an Email

Member No.05422 05422 : Kenan Novalija   Kenan Novalija is a stamp collector from BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA UPDATE: 2019-05-01 16:21:16
Want!  Topic stamps (Art, Folclore, Natural Science, Olympic games) MNH stamps base want lists VIEW FULL ADS
Offer  ex Yugoslavia countries See an Email

Member No.04862 04862 : Admir Arnautović   Admir Arnautović is a stamp collector from BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA UPDATE: 2018-04-17 04:13:22
Want!  Egypt, Algeria (after 1962), South Africa, French and Spanish colonies, France VIEW FULL ADS
Offer  Bosnia (all 3 postes), different African countries, WW See an Email

Member No.04427 04427 : Edin Kovač   Edin Kovač is a stamp collector from BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA UPDATE: 2016-12-10 05:26:21
Want!  mint stamps worldwide VIEW FULL ADS
Offer  mint stamps, FDC, maxi cards, postcards, banknotes and coins, magnets and any other item from Bosnia and Herzegovina and other ex.Yugoslavia republics. See an Email


Member No.05025 05025 : Slaven   Slaven is a stamp collector from BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA UPDATE: 2016-01-19 01:17:18
Want!  Worldwide flora and fauna stamps VIEW FULL ADS
Offer  Yugolsavia , South Africa, German Democratic Republic, England... See an Email

Member No.04547 04547 : Milivoj Kajkut   Milivoj Kajkut is a stamp collector from BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA UPDATE: 2013-12-28 03:02:50
Want!  used ww (commemorative), Europa CEPT VIEW FULL ADS
Offer  WW used See an Email

Member No.04582 04582 : Danijel Hirkic   Danijel Hirkic is a stamp collector from BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA UPDATE: 2013-12-22 04:00:24
Want!  Coins , Miliately, Collectibles, Stamps and Cover befor 1900 For highe vaules Postcard VIEW FULL ADS
Offer  Two Boklet Postcard German 1915 , Bruno Hansmann , 12 and 20 postcard unused , stamps Yugoslavia , Austria, World Waild See an Email

Member No.03329 03329 : Drazen Kladar   Drazen Kladar is a stamp collector from BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA UPDATE: 2013-12-16 16:26:23
Want!  WW Mint stamps and FDC's of Thailand, China, Vietnam, India, Nepal, Marocco, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Chile, Uruguay, Bolivia, Norway, Spain, Kazakhstan, Russia, etc. VIEW FULL ADS
Offer  WW Mint stamps and FDC's of butterflies, sports, marine life, WWF, Olympics, wild animals, fauna, birds, Europe cept, Red Cross, etc.Mint Serbia 1876-1915. Circulated covers of all topics. See an Email

Member No.04357 04357 : Tihomir   Tihomir is a stamp collector from BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA UPDATE: 2013-01-15 00:00:00
Want!  ww used VIEW FULL ADS
Offer  ww used, especially Croatia/Bosnia/Serbia See an Email

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