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Thai Stamp Shop - Beautiful Thailand Stamp for Sale. Siam Stamp Exchange Country - U UNITED STATES Efren E Varona

Collector Profile of Efren E Varona

 Member no. 04520     Registered Date : 2013-08-28    Actived Date : 2013-08-28 05:44:33  
Name : Efren E Varona
Address : 167 East 8th. Street
Hialeah, Florida. 33010
Country : UNITED STATES Efren E Varona is a collector from UNITED STATES
Want : I colect used only. Ucrania, Croacia, Finland, Sweden, Spain, Norge, Russia
Offer : Used from U.S., Cuba, African Asian countries, Small Island of the Caribbean, must WW
Remarks : I do have U.S.A. some single and Block of 4 MNH for exch. at tht rate of 1 for 3 used of your country. I also have a colection of Emrat Arabs big and colorful stamps of the 6o\\\\\\\'s of space thematic for ex. 1X1. from countries above. Regular exchange
SC 02399 
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Message.1 : Mis cordiales saludos. Mi nombre es Hilda Vila Sainz-Baranda y soy de Cuba. Ofrezco series completas nuevas de Cuba, a partir de 1959. Busco series completas nuevas de los Estados Unidos a partir del año 2000. Si a Ud. le interesa mi propuesta, por favor, escríbame al siguiente correo electrónico:
By : Hilda Vila Sainz   Date : 2023-05-31 22:17:46

Message.2 : Hi Efrén, I'd like to exchange with you, this is my email, Greetings Ramon
By : ramon calonge fornells   Date : 2023-05-09 23:34:42

Message.3 : Am Mohan from India and I have over 5000 stamps spread over 50 countries to exchange with
By : Mohan Venkatraman   Date : 2023-05-02 09:41:40

Message.4 : Buenos dias , contestando a su peticion , mi stock de repetidos de España es desde 1955 - 1994 en usado, del periodo que usted me pide tengo pocos , si que puedo enviar-le sellos de Finlandia - Noruega - Dinamarca desde 1900 - 2017 depende el pais . Mi interes es en USA 2014 - presente y Canada 2017- presente . si esta interesado en intercambiar , ya me dira alguna cosa . cordialmente Ramon
By : Ramon LLuis Aragones Mollet   Date : 2021-11-21 14:30:52

Message.5 :
By : Carsten Spanke   Date : 2021-02-16 12:43:22

Message.6 : I agree to be exchanged with you by the used stamps of the whole world 100:100, 200:200,300:300 and anymore. Send for the beginning of 300 things of your used stamps WW in an exchange on 300 things of my used stamps WW WW on my postal address. Guarantee an answer. Sincerely.our Vlademer.Address : Vlademer Michaeilov p/box №74 Sumy Ukraine-40034 Country : UKRAINE
By : Vlademer Michaeilov   Date : 2020-08-22 11:19:54

Message.7 : Dear friend! I agree to be exchanged with you by the used stamps of the whole world 100:100, 200:200,300:300 and anymore. Send for the beginning of 200 things of your used stamps WW in an exchange on 200 things of my used stamps WW on my postal address. Guarantee an answer. Sincerely. Your MILIVOJ
By : Milivoj Kajkut   Date : 2013-10-21 07:18:30

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